Saturday, September 12, 2009

Topography & Inhabitants of Sirius B - A Soul Group's Journey

Topography & Inhabitants of Sirius B

The Topography of Sirius B during the time of this story is much like Earth in the way that it had large and small bodies of water, deserts, forests, and coastal lands. The plants that grew on Sirius B were different. The trees were different in shape, size and color. There was more depth to the colors and leaves were colorful purples, pinks, greens, blues and yellows. The flowers were aromatic, large and small.

We will start in the desert, the Circle Village. The circle Village was built on an oasis. The dome houses were constructed of earth bricks cover with white plaster made with a type of white limestone.

The Oasis provided water for the inhabitants, water their food fields and herd beasts. Outside of the Oasis was arid and dreary landscape. The Circle Villagers only went outside of the Oasis for travel.

On the eastern end of the Oasis lived a small tribe of humans. These humans were practicing magicians and astrologers. They would travel to the Circle village for trade and visiting. The Desert Elves respected these humans and they learned from each other.

The Elves that lived in this village were taller than most elves with a cinnamon colored complexion and large, slanted, dark colored eyes. They dressed in finely woven light fabrics created from a plant called Cosk. They also used hides from migrating animals. Camels and horses were used as well for traveling.

Everyone in the village had a specific job that they did for the village. For example Xtapa was a scribe. She received notes from her elders, the healers and travelers and then she wrote them in journals for the library in the village. She was also a hunter. In doing these to chores for her tribe she received a dome house and food from the tribe. She earned other necessities by teaching other elves how to scribe.

The Elves were gifted with the use of telepathy and most intimate communication was done telepathically. Their gifts include – plant growers, healers and animal speakers. The Plant growers could grow and heal plants. Healers learned to heal a wound physically, emotionally and mentally. Animal speakers could actually communicate with animals. During a hunt an animal speaker could tune in to a herd and was able to decipher which animals were healthy and the best for their tribe.

In most communities there were Master Teachers that taught the elves how to manage their gifts for the most effective results.

As Benjan walked, he enjoyed the forest. Peace reigned in the forest. Trees grew so high he lay down to see how tall they were. Bird's, animals and insects went about their days undisturbed by the Elve’s invasion into their world. Vines with colorful flowers grew all over the tree branches; jewel colored reptiles scurried back and forth silently as birds of many sizes and bright colors called to each other from their nests. Benjan drew what he saw every night to keep an accurate record to show his brother and father when he returned home. 

Excerpt from Soul group’s Journey – On the Road to Ceyenda Forest

Three days travel from The Circle Village takes you to the edge of Ceyenda Forest. This forest is unique because of the great trees that grew here. These trees were ancient and huge. The leaves on these trees were purple, red and green. The leaves grew as tall as Benjan and as wide as three male elves. They were so huge that a whole tribe of forest elves could live in the trees. In this forest an elf could walk along the tree branches to the edges, collecting water from leaves and fruits from the trees.

He didn’t have to wonder very long about what the dens looked like, an elderly female elf lead the group into her den in one of the tree roots. The entrance to the den had been burrowed out of one of the trees roots which led down into the earth. Rugs covered the earthen floor. Dried flowers and herbs hung from baskets tied to the ceiling, which was one of the tree roots. There were openings where the roots separated into other roots. A fire pit was dug out in the middle of the room and a fire was lit. Large, colorful, scented candles were also burning. The den smelled of earth and flowers, which was comforting in a way Benjan could not describe. Excerpt from Soul Group’s Journey – Ezra’s den.

Airel climbed the tree to her little bowl shaped den and yanked back the buffalo skin covering the entrance. Airel lowered herself in and tucked the skin down so no one could look inside. Excerpt from Soul Group’s Journey – Airel’s den

This forest also hosted other inhabitants of Sirius B – the Dryads. The Dryads are a quiet race. Some of the Dryads have never spoken a word or uttered a sound. They communicate telepathically from birth. There are Dryads that never leave their homes in the depths of Ceyenda forest. The Dryads have smaller features that those of the elves. Their ears weren’t as pointed as the elves and their eyes are large and have the look of a cat. The eyes are also the colors of silver, gold and copper with come variations of those colors. They have the gifts of the elves and many can heal, speak with animals and grow plants.

Airel was a Halfling; her mother was a Dryad and her father an elf. The dirt was the way Airel hid her snowy white skin and white hair. She would put dirt on her silvery colored feline shaped eyes to hide them, if she could. Her ears weren’t pointed at the top of the lobes as the full blood elves. Airel’s body was tiny; she stood three and a half feet tall. The average elf stood about four and a half feet tall at full maturity. - Excerpt from Soul group’s Journey

There are those who do wander Sirius B and one of them would be Yarrow, Airel’s mother and Airel herself.

The Sun Village was about two days travel from the Tribal Tree where Airel lived. Xtapa’s Father, Cheqtle, lived in the Sun Village with his mate Xaxis and his sons.

The elves that lived there were not as tall as the desert elves. They were a more hardy looking type of being. The lives in long, log cabins with wide windows and porches that ran around the cabins. They cared for their own gardens and for the villages’ fields and herd beasts.

The village was built in a valley close to the road to Fayum. Very beautiful place forested by smaller trees than then one that Airel lived in. The Fayum River started up in these mountains from a lake not far from the village.

The village was surrounded by mountains inhabited by miner elves. These mountains were cold throughout the season and not many plants grew so way up high. The miners often visited the Sun village to trade their gemstones for food, clothing and other trade goods. Vista’s family lived in one such community. She would often come to the Sun Village for trade or to live in her family’s cabin so she could be around other elves with different interests.

The Tree Elves Village was a good fortnight’s travel by foot and eight to ten days on a horse, depending on the weather.

The Tree Elves lived in the tree tops of very ancient tall trees. These trees were so tall a being had to lie down to maybe see the tops of them. These trees had light green leaves and silvery colored bark. There were hidden entrances to the Tree Elves Village. The reason for this is that there were fearful and destructive human’s who wandered the forest floor below the village.

The Tree Elves Village was connected by bridges suspended by rope to the trees. Very fun to walk on! The tree elves were astrologers, astronomers, rope makers and bird collectors and breeders. These elves collected their water from the leaves and stored it in the trees. Their food came from the trees or was imported from Fayum.

Tree elves were tall and lanky beings. A very studious culture, many young elves went to the Tree Elves to learn mathematics and the study of the sky. Benjan and Nonus boarded with the Tree Elves to learn from this tribe. Benjan became very passionate about the study of the night sky. He continued to study the night sky until he ascended. I believe he is still passionate about the night sky here on Earth now these days.

Fayum Town is another week from the Tree Elve’s Village. It is a major Town. Fayum was built in an oceans bay. There is a ship dock there to receive or board ships. The town is made up of one main street and many smaller streets much like a grid. The street main street is cobbled and many of the well traveled streets. This town has shops, restaurants, businesses, an open market and schools. There is much more to Fayum Town and there will be more about is in the Soul Group’s Journey – the Ascension.

There is a variety of elves that make up Fayum Town. This is where Benjan makes his home. He lives at the tower Rael. Two round towers connected together by a stone breezeway, a very enchanting place. This is where our story begins and ends in a Soul Groups Journey – The Beginning.

Auriel Grace

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