Saturday, September 12, 2009

Boys & Sailboats - A Soul Group's Journey

Benjan’s nose was broken in a brawl over a toy boat when he was a child. – Excerpt from A Soul group’s Journey

The morning was promising. Benjan ran upstairs to his room to get his sailboat. He had just finished designing this sailboat for the sailing on the small pond near his house. He looked around his room for other toys he might want to play with while he was at the pond with his brother, Nonus. His father, Incus was taking the brothers in his wagon.

Benjan picked up his box kite and extra string before picking up his sailboat. He looked around his room and decided one day he would live in a house with round rooms.

Nonus stood at the bottom of the great staircase in the entry hall of their parent’s home. “Hurry up brother father is waiting be the wagon.” Nonus told Benjan with an air of authority. His mother, Adularia had told Nonus this morning that he was to be more responsible and reliable now that he was an adolescent.”

“I am coming. I am bringing my kite too. “Benjan replied balancing his two toys in his hands while he walked down the stairs.

Incus helped the brothers onto the horse drawn wagon and asked the horses telepathically to take him to the pond. The horses responded by pulling the wagon along the pebbled lane toward the pond.

*I packed a lunch for us. I do want you to help me find herbs while we are out by the pond. First I want to see you race your sail boats.* Nonus commented to his sons’ telepathically smiling and ruffling Nonus hair.

Nonus moved his head away from his father’s affectionate hand, * I am not a small child anymore e Father. Mess up Benjan’s hair.*

Benjan laughed at Nonus. He had been laughing at his older broth a lot recently. Nonus was an adolescent now and their mother constantly reminded Nonus of her expectations. Benjan decided he did not want to grow into an adult. It seemed too complicated for him.

“Don’t laugh at me Benjan” Nonus scolded wagging his finger at Benjan.
Benjan laughed louder.

Nonus grew more agitated; Benjan was always laughing and playing. How would Nonus make Benjan respect him? Nonus jumped off the wagon as soon as the horses halted and walked to the pond. He sat on a boulder close to the water’s edge with his sailboat in his lap.

Benjan helped his father take the harnesses off the horses.

*Benjan, be kind to Nonus. Your brother wants to please your mother.* Nonus advised.
*I am never going to become an adult like my mother. She has forgotten how to have fun.* Benjan replied glancing at Nonus.

Incus smiled at his son, * I am convinced that you will be your own person Benjan. Have compassion and love you brother and your mother.*

*Very well Father, I am going to get my sail boat ready for the pond. I brought my kite in case we get a breeze today.* Benjan said picking his sailboat up and walking to the pond.

Benjan designed a new mast and sail for his boat. He wanted to see if the design would make his sail boat sail faster. He put his hand in the air to see if there was enough of a breeze to push his little boat along. There was but he would have to walk over to where Nonus was sitting to have optimum breeze for his sails. Benjan glanced over at his brother and sighed. Maybe Nonus will move when I get closer to him, Benjan thought.

Benjan took his shoes off and placed them in the grass before walking to the water’s edge.
“Benjan put your shoes further up,” Nonus ordered pointing to a tree.

“My shoes are fine Nonus. I want to try my sail boat.” Benjan said bending down to set his sail boat in the water. Benjan didn’t notice his brother jump off the boulder and run at him.

When Benjan let go of his boat he was knocked in the water by an angry Nonus, “I told you to put your shoes further from the water! You never listen to me!” Nonus yelled while he hit Benjan several times in the face as hard as he could.

Benjan did not have enough time to put his hands up; he could feel blood on his face and a horrible pain between his eyes.

Incus pulled Nonus off of Benjan and pushed him aside. “Benjan, can you see me?” His father asked helping Benjan sit up.

“Yes, but my head hurts and I am bleeding.” Benjan replied stunned his brother could be so mean.

“Nonus, go start getting the horses ready, we will have to take Benjan home. I believe his nose is broken.” Nonus said calmly as he picked Benjan up and turned to follow Nonus back to the wagon. “You will not fight with your brother about sailboats again, do you understand Nonus?”

Nonus turned around and started walking to the wagon. Wondering why he had got so aggravated with Benjan. He was just a little boy. He would not allow Benjan to make him so mad again.

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